iIMS assists schools, colleges and universities to develop, grow, and problem solve using proven success-driven advancement strategies.


iIMS offers one on one consulting, team coaching, workshops, seminars, keynote addresses, and policies & procedural development. 


Leadership Coaching

iIMS applies a very relational approach to leadership coaching. Leadership evaluation and goal setting; work-life balance management; communication enhancement; productivity development; and organizational & productivity management are key areas of the coaching process.  iIMS partners with Principals, Directors, Headmasters, and Department Heads to help them achieve their advancement goals.


Assessment & Enhancement​​​

A wide variety of assessment tools are used to examine schools with respect to key areas of advancement. Following a school audit, iIMS offers schools development plans to move them from deficit budgets and declining enrolments to a position of success and prosperity.



iIMS helps develop proven strategies for capital campaigns; major gift fundraising; wealth management; designated giving programs; estate planning; bursary/scholarship programs; special events; and online giving programs.  These are core principles of the development function of all healthy private schools and non-profits.


Enrolment Management​​​

iIMS assists schools with the development and implementation of strategies involving student recruitment; student inquiry management; marketing; admissions; policies and procedures; branding; brand development; social media; web site development and management; student retention; and integrated admissions systems.


Site Growth & Development​​​

iIMS facilitates visioning; needs assessment; funding (bridge financing, fundraising & grant writing); and the management of school expansion projects. Whether it is a new school build or expanding an existing school footprint, iIMS provides comprehensive assistance.



iIMS utilizes over 25 years of successful and proven experience to facilitate the development and execution of international programs within schools.  Areas of focus include marketing; branding; program development; recruitment; field training; agent management; parent and alumni associations; cultural proficiency training, ESL programming, grass roots identification and integration; and visa processing/admissions systems.


Strategic Planning​​​

iIMS assists schools and organizations to develop a dynamic, serviceable and comprehensive strategic planning road map document for success. Following a SWOT Analysis, as well as a vision and mission facilitation, schools will develop a strategic plan and will receive coaching on the initial stages of enacting its goals and action plans.



iIMS teaches how to build out board memberships, policies, procedures, and protocols for the purpose of unity and productivity.



"it" International Management Solutions isn't only the name of our consulting company, it signifies our passion to help people understand, acquire, and utilize the "it" edge! Leaders who are said to have “it” are able to motivate and lead people, empower and engage communities to support their organizations, build confidence within and outside of their organizations, employ leadership crucibles that often result in growth and development, and assert tremendous purpose through all of their major decisions. We do not believe that people either have "it" or not. "it" can be learned, "it" can be utilized in many leadership situations, and "it" can often make the difference between good and great! Our goal is to help leaders understand "it", internalize "it" and apply "it" in all areas of leadership and management so that success may be realized.


Kent has worked with Fredericton Christian Academy sine 2012. Over the time Kent has worked with them FCA has gone from a small school in the basement of a church, to having their own school building, and now they are making plans to expand the campus due to the exponential growth that they have seen. This is a note of thanks that FCA created for Kent.